Blackburn claims he can solve Frege-Geach as follows. Here is Geach's example.
- Lying is wrong.
- If lying is wrong, then getting your little brother to lie is wrong.
- Therefore, getting your little brother to lie is wrong.
Suppose there is an ideal language Eex, which has operators H!( - ) and B!( - ) that take "descriptions of things" and return attitudes. Specifically, H!( - ) returns an attitude of approval of - and B!( - ) returns an attitude of disapproval of -. Let |H!(X )| refers to a description of "approving of (X)". Using the ';' to represent a coupling of attitudes or beliefs, speakers of Eex could paraphrase conditionals like (2) as:
H!(|B!(lying) |; |B!(getting little brother to lie)|).
Okay, we now have Blackburn's Eex paraphrase of Geach's argument:
H!(|B!(lying)|; |B!(getting little brother to lie)|)
B!(getting little brother to lie)
Thus, if the conclusion was “H!(getting little brother to lie)” instead, then he would fail to have a combination of attitudes of which he himself approves.
Question: What objections do you have to Blackburn's solution to the Frege-Geach problem?*
*Blackburn was not altogether happy with this solution. He offered another one in his paper "Attitudes and Contents."